Home is a place for rest, recuperation and peace – but what happens when our safe-space is no longer inhabitable? Unfortunately, as Kiwis, we’re pretty well acquainted with this.
In recent years New Zealand has experienced several major natural disasters, impacting the entire country. So, with that in mind, it’s important to do all you can to ensure your home and family is protected.
Protect your home
At Mike Pero Mortgages we have access to a wide range of home insurance solutions to cover multiple different types of dwellings and locations. Our home and contents panel of insurers offer cover including:
The repair or rebuild of your home to its original condition
Accommodation for you and your family when your home is no longer habitable
Any fees or clearance costs
A place to work, if your home is where you conduct business and that’s no longer possible
Your tech gadgets if they are damaged beyond use
Damage that happens over time (like leaky hot water systems)
Your gardens, outdoor furniture or terracing
If in doubt, speak to a Mike Pero Adviser about the kind of cover available to you. With inside knowledge of the industry and access to different insurance products, a Mike Pero Adviser will help you decide on the best course of action for your particular situation.
For more information on the home and contents options available to you click here.
Things to consider
Due to recent natural disasters, insurers have now created embargo zones in the north and south island. While these differ between insurers, reading this article will give you a better understanding of where the general boundary lines are.
Recent changes
If you’re looking for residential property insurance in these embargo zones, you’ll need to be aware of a few things that have changed. For example:
Insurance policies usually can’t be written for any asset that has not already had a policy taken out on it
Your new policy should match the previous one
It’s unlikely you’ll be able to change the value of an existing insurance policy
If you’ve just moved into a property, but own high-value possessions, keep in mind the cover you’re eligible for may not completely cover your existing contents. If in doubt speak with one of our advisers on the cover that will suit you.
Don’t forget your car!
Vehicles can be impacted during natural disasters too and, if this is the case, it can be a real disruption. We can find you a policy to have you back on the road and on track.
For more information on the types of cover available click here.
If you’re looking for any other information about insurance, or are even looking at purchasing a home, have a chat with one of our friendly Mike Pero advisers today.