There are numerous advantages to using a broker when looking for your next mortgage, insurance policy or personal loan. With so many providers all offering numerous products, the process of finding the right solution can be downright daunting. That’s where your Mike Pero Adviser can help.
Mike Pero Advisers have access to a large panel of providers, so once they understand your needs and future goals, they're well equipped to find the best product for you. They stay up-to-date with the latest market offerings and can negotiate with different providers to get a solution that works for you.
Better still – every Mike Pero Adviser has access to Spark, a unique technology platform that makes the application process as seamless as possible and allows for on the spot answers to even your trickiest questions.
Every day, Mike Pero Advisers are helping Kiwis find the right mortgage, insurance policy or personal loan – and they’re doing it when and where it suits their customers. So if you’re needing help with your finances, why not get moving sooner and become a Mike Pero customer today!
Mike Pero (New Zealand) Ltd Copyright © 2025 All rights reserved | Lending and policy criteria and terms and conditions apply. Content on this website is general in nature and is not a recommendation, opinion or guidance to any individuals in relation to acquiring or disposing of a financial product. Readers should not rely on this content and should always seek specific financial advice appropriate to their own individual circumstances.